16 February 2020

Volunteering in Isha Foundation

Does it cost money to become a full-time volunteer at Isha Foundation?

Isha Foundation is only for those willing to pay money for their own Labour ! All the Jaggi Vasudev himself taught/conducted programs in Big Indian/Foreign Cities are done/arranged by volunteers who have registered before by paying money ! This was the first red flag which drove me away from this Pathological Liar, Greedy Manipulative, Psychopathic,Shrewd Businessman Mr Jagadish Vasudev AKA A Beverely Hills Spiritual Playboy !

Nothing is free in Isha Yoga ! Rather everything is costly once you realise that the initial 7 Day I.E program is used as a trick/fish hook to suck you in to become a live long paid slave by portraying that Isha or Sadhguru is different from traditional spiritual organisations when they are not !

Isha & Sadhguru are megalomaniac sociopaths,smug elitists, who believe they are doing a big favour to humanity by their existence & society owes them their wealth & free labour as a matter of Right ! Something like Isha Yoga+SJV happen to people once in 5,000 years is their motto & highly educated people have been mesmerised brainwashed by Black Magic as volunteers into believing it ! It is pure slavery under hypnosis !

All Programs, Pilgrimages, Yathras, Yanthras are sold @ inflated prices as compared to the competition with no Guarantees of any benefits & no return refund clauses in them. Only if you are ready to pay the fixed donation for the programs & spend your own money, time, energy,to arrange for the future programs,by accepting the Crap Sadhguru Talk of Unlimited Responsibility towards the World & paying for your own labour + bringing new program participants for Sadhguru conducted programs you would be welcome ! Otherwise not !

Isha assumes you are a billionaire who hasn't found fulfilment with your wealth or life & all other spiritual organisations have failed you hence you R coming to Isha/Sadhguru as a last resort with a do or die situation so that they can reduce your wealth, false ego, by ripping your pocket in whatever way they can & sell you false bliss in terms of getting enlightened by their Yoga.

Forget it ! In 30 yrs of Isha & SJV Yoga it didn't happen to anyone & won't happen ! Get one person on Stage who got Enlightened by the Sadhguru Crap ?

I’m the only person who puts the value of human effort, human labour,one’s time & comforts as something which cannot be measured in terms of money ! So none should part with it for free, for thankless wretches, self confessed, pathological liars, like Sadhguru, Isha, who just take these as granted to build their empire !

Don't think by Volunteering you would be getting any discount on the Yoga Classes or Getting any perks for free ! None !

Sadhguru is utilising his time & energy in sucking each $ to ensure the future survival of his cult & secure his,his daughter's, son-in-law's Retirement in USA Ashram very Quickly on the backs of unpaid exploited volunteers !

If you wish to know how to volunteer download & read Swami Sivananda’s Biography here

You can do volunteering in your own home by brooming & mopping your own floor, washing your own clothes & scrubbing your utensils, cleaning your own house cobb webbs ! Even at your place of work or profession do a few hours of work for free it amounts to the same ! This would reduce your false ego to a large extent & aid you in spiritual path !

I personally clean my own shitting pan/commode in my house weekly with detergents & phenyle !

For this no Isha & Sadhguru are needed who themselves are bound under both Swarupavarika + Guna Maya(Illusion) & Kaala(Time). The bound cannot rescue the bound so the rescuer has to be liberated.

Read my blog on Sadhguru ! Don't get sucked into the volunteering mess, it is a black hole created by a very Shrewd, Psychopathic, Multiple Faced, Businessman which will suck,destroy your professional & personal life.

Why aren’t Sadhguru’s Daughter & Son in Law Volunteering for the Isha Cause 24*7 ?

Talking from experience, with nil exploitation myself ! Rest is your own choice !

Swami Aniruddha

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