14 September 2019

What are the differences in the teachings of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and Srila A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Dated:14-Sep-2019 New Delhi India 14:20 hrs IST[GMT+0530 hrs]

His Divine Grace Srila A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada via his Transcendental Pre-1977 Books like Srimad Bhagavatam(30 Volumes by Krishna Books www.krishnastore.in) & Bhagavad Gita “As It Is” (McMillan 1972 Edition) can recommend to Lord Sri Krishna who is the First Supreme Person to release a Conditioned Soul from his External Energy Maya & keep the Jiva's under his Internal Energy out of his causeless mercy for all those rotting on this planet earth !

It is only via ACBSP's books one can distinguish between Unethical Sinful & Non Sinful Karma ! An Individual is just a slave of Society without knowing who he is & the Conspiracy of materialists Against Jiva can be understood & darkness of Materialism Removed & Enlightenment attained only by ACBSP Books!

But Sadhguru (SJV) who himself is Under Kaala,Guna Maya, Swabhaava can only award physical & mental efficiency via his Yogic Practices to conditioned souls for better sense gratification, material & man power exploitation here on this Earth, which he himself is doing with others !

In 2007 when I was in Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh attending 2 Months Basic Yoga Vedanta Course(Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy) the monks @ the Ashram were asking Foreigners to observe Celibacy ! They said it was impossible for them as they had come to learn yoga only for better Banana Work ! They were never of the Submissive or Devotional Type.

So SJV is catering to such people like Bhagwan Rajneesh catered to such people (Upwardly Wealthy,Smokers,Women/Men Hunters, Alcoholics,Drug Users) in 1970’s till end 1990’s ! 80% of SJV Meditators now are Ex-Bhagwan Rajneesh Followers of Poona or Oregon Communes !

1-While SJV has very accurately described the symptoms of material disease plaguing mankind like Constant need of expansion via physical i.e one's Work, Status, Money, False Ego,Marriage, Children, Greed for more & more Material Possessions, Competitiveness + Comparisons, Trying to become the Lord of All one Survey's & seeking one's Satisfaction in exploiting other Men, Women, Animals,Nature via Material Objects but how to end this menace of Expansion via Physical & get once for all Transcendental Bliss can't be dealt by SJV via Yoga or his talking in circles !

2-An Example : A Criminal Commits A crime is arrested, Jailed, penalised but after release again commits the same crime ! Why ? Cause his heart is full of filth, material dirt & the propensity to commit crime(seed of sin) is not vanquished due to past samskaars ! This we can see with High Scale Corruption in India ! Highly educated people (D Lit’s) Politicians, Govt Officials, having crores in assetts but still indulging in Corruption !

Unfortunately ISKCON GBC False Gurus (Tried to Copy & Become Prabhupada after 1977) & Osho(93 Rolls Royce cars+ Rajneesha Puram Salad Bar Poisoning, Gather costly material possessions ) both Displayed the above traits @ some point of time in History & SJV is doing the same with his Isha Cult Now as they were under control of Jada Shakti i.e material energy !

Symptoms depicted in # 1 & 2 were portrayed by Monks of Isha Foundation By indulging in eve teasing of Young Women Visitors to the Ashram & certain monks indulging in free Banana Work cause they were not fixed in Tattva Gyjnana or Solid Philosophical Base !

The above two symptoms can only be solved by Lord Chaitanya's Sankirthan Movement, Prabhupada Books, Krishna Conscious Philosophy & Hare Krishna Mahamantra if accepted in total purely on basis of Faith without Question & challenging spirit ! The moment you challenge or apply your Mayic Material Brain, Maya Swallows & Traps You !

SJV or any Yogi(Baba Rama Deva) has no Qualifications to Release anyone from the 3 Modes of Material Nature(Guna Maya) forget liberation i.e Sattva Rajas Tamas i.e Kaama, Krodha, Moha, Lobha, Eersha,Dvesha,Ahankaara i.e Lust, Anger, Infatuation, Greed, Envy, Revengeful attitude, False Ego (All negative Qualities of Maya) because he is envious of Sri Krishna & Devotion + Surrender are not in SJV's Gospel due to misinterpreted Advaitha & Buddhism !

SJV due to getting very cheap success in this world by selling false stories of his enlightemnent, Three life times to come for Dhyanalinga Consecration, Wife’s Maha Samadhi, in terms of acquiring tons of $, land & mesmerized slave Volunteers, Considers himself to be God(A very subtle trap of Maaya) & is just a Charismatic, Hypnotic Talker, Selling, non spiritual, bull shit, as Genuine Spirituality !

In short SJV has another 3 life times left with “Shiva Bhakti” before he can even attempt to understand Krishna Consciousness & Surrendering + Maya Release are all far off things for him !

This is what Krishna says in the Gita “After many many births out of my(means a person) causeless mercy I provide the intelligence to that fortunate jiva who realizes me to be the cause of all causes & surrenders to me & serves me".

All paths lead & take one half way & return/end ! Only Krishna Consciousness or Bhakthi takes one to the final end !

Ex:GyJnana Ends Agyana & Dies ! Karma takes one till heaven & after the merits are exhausted one has to return again in cats dogs ass forms ! Yoga situates one is One's Own Swaroopa & till one's eyes are closed, in Samadhi,till then, ok ! After opening & coming out of Samadhi Maya Again Traps the Yogi !

There are 2 Maya's 1-Swaroopa Avarika Maya & 2-Guna Maya(Sattva Rajas Tamas) ! The first one veils+covers your own true identity(that one is an Individual Soul-Jiva an eternal fragment & servant of Lord Sri Krishna) the second one makes you attached to the World !

Even in levels of Divine Bliss three classes are there ! 99% Mudhas or Asses seek pleasure in the World in Money Wine Sex ! These are Karmis ! Above this are Atma Gyjnanis who find fulfillment in themselves, Above this Brahman Gyjnanis who seek impersonal Brahman liberation & next highest are Self Less Devotees who seek Sri Krishna Premananda or bliss via service which has Rasas ! In Premananda Rasas, also there are various levels !

But in Kaliyuga 99% do Bhakti or Devotion either to a DemiGod or even to Bhagawan Sri Krishna on the side lines to get material benefits because they think objects, power, prestige, position, wife, children, will give them true bliss ! Divine bliss & material comforts from Objects are 2 different things !

If they just have the brains to ask directly give me Sat-chitha-ananda ! Truth-Knowledge of Ultimate-Divine Bliss by surrendering to Bhagawan Sri Krishna they can be freed from Jada Shakti Maya in an instant along with end of, Triguna, Trikarma,Tridosha,Panchaklesha,Burning of Panchakoshas in an instant as Lord Sri Krishna is watching who or which Jiva is intelligent enough to surrender !

The Fight between Individual Soul-Jiva & Lord Sri Krishna is happening for Kalpas ! Jivas are challenging the Lord that First Do Kripa,give us Eternal Bliss, the Lord is saying First Surrender & Then my Grace will happen ! Like this it goes on & on !

Even for Maha Gyjnanis/Philosophers who use over 50% of their brain in solving problems of life like Birth, Hard Struggle for Survival, Disease, Old Age, Death they through their own efforts transcend Ahankaara, Swaroopa Avarika Maya & even transcend Rajas, Tamas of Guna Maya via Atma Gyjnana & become situated in Sattva Guna which is still under Guna Maya !

They think this Sattva Guna Bliss is the highest ! Almost 99% of Adi-Shankaracharya's Advaitha Vedantha School Monks are Atma Gyjnanis ! But because they don't accept/have no information due to impersonalism to surrender to A personal God they continue in the World with Humanitarian Welfare Activities like Medical Centre, Schools, Orphanages,Social Relief Work etc ! SJV also doing this now !

In Srimad Bhagavatham Uddhava who was a Brahman Gyani & disciple of Sri Krishna accepted the Vrindavan Gopis as his Guru surrendered to them & got Sri Krishna Premananda !

Beyond Sattva Guna is Kaala+Mahatha Tattva (Time+Causal Elements) & pure Suddha Sattva (Vasudeva State) This can be overcome/attained by Atma GyJnanis only by surrendering to Lord Sri Krishna leading them to become 100% Maya Kaala Freed Brahman GyJnanis !

In other words whether one seeks Advaitha Mukthi or Wants service of a personal God both can be obtained only via Surrender to Sri Krishna which is the easy way than body bending gymnastics Yoga !
We see news daily of one sided Love,Murder of loved One's, Rapes & other crimes cause we don't know “Whom Am I” & “Who is mine” !

For this we have to Understand “Brahman Jiva Maya” & Mein Kaun Mera Kaun via JKP Vedic

This I'm stating from my own Genuine Spiritual Experience after reading ACBSP Books, Undergoing Sadhguru Programs till BSP Shoonya & Listening to Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaja Discourses on Indian TV for last 12 years !

For more on this read Swami Sivananda's Book “All About Hinduism” from The Divine Life Society--Free Books on Yoga, Religion and Philosophy

Also Read the Book “Prema Rasa Siddhantha” by JKP available in both Hindi & English from Jagadguru Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan

Sadhguru is heading the same way & may end up like Bhagawan Rajneesh in the Future ! Refer this

Swami Aniruddha !

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