13 April 2011

Life After Isha Yoga 2

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PS: Those who reach this page directly, Please 1st read the 1st Part of "Life After Isha Yoga" in this Blog under April 2011.

If you need the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya in Free PDF File Format then Click Here . For Guru Pooja MP3 Audio Click Here For PDF Click Here & For Shakti Chalana Kriya Click Here

If you need the complete true story of False Sadhguru and Isha Foundation then click here & here here


The Bhava Spandana Program[BSP] involves the following, I did this in Sept-2007, at Isha Yoga centre,  Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Program Donation Rs 750/-.

1-Before going for BSP one is asked to do a home work as to how one's life has been till that time, in terms of health, relationships, work etc and asked to note all the high and low points in terms of all these. Some people wrote 8 notebooks. I could only write 2 pages. BSP, is purely created, to make emotional, physical, mental, breakdown of a person, and then re-building you back up and telling you that Sadhguru is there for you.

BSP is designed to remind one and give them a experience of one's own death. Before the BSP, people are told that, even if they have to give up their lives, they should be willing to do so, in order for BSP to become a living experience for them later. But we were all assured that the premises was well protected through spiritual processes. And nobody will die! Volunteers keep a close watch for any untoward incidents.

People have no prior knowledge or any clue what is going to happen. Everyone is asked to sign a waiver against any potential lawsuits. This is against human rights!

BSP involves, intense physical activity for 3 days, the kind of physical activity, a intense laborer, would do in a month. The participants have to have a lot of physical energy and strength to do 'mahadeva meditation' where participants have to literally throw their body bending up and down in a rigorous way continuously and also have to shout and scream 'hara'.

You are supposed to thrust your body forward with your legs where they are. When done repeatedly with intensity, it can cause neck spasms or even back ache or even tightening of hams as some have noticed the next day. About 100+ of these are done to screams and done non-stop. With the intensity, you siphon the blood to your head by this method. So, when you stop to the claaaaaang of the gong, you get to sense some rising of the energy and the blood.

When participants get dizzy or tired and when they're unable to do that, volunteers go near the participants and shout 'Hara'/''Shiva' in their peak voice, some volunteers will shout in participants' ears itself. The participants having closed their eyes, does not have any clue what is happening, and already tired and dizzy, will get more shocked by this ear shouting. Not everybody can do that Mahadeva meditation, and they let participants in hunger, and sleeplessness and too much body work. I saw a couple of people vomit due to the extreme back and forth and up and down movements.

These are all ISHA's techniques to do mental breakdown of oneself during the program in order to awaken one's kundalini and having the experience of all around oneness of existence. Save yourself money and hysteria. Get enlightened by sitting under a tree or reading scripture. This pseudo kundalini awakening is more of the Voodoo witchcraft I am talking about.

2- The dangers are just too many in the Bhava Spandana Program. For 3 days there is no contact with the outside world. The volunteers at the ashram are like Nazi SS Death Heads and they take your mobile phone/car keys in custody, there is no talking to anyone other than program participants, you cannot leave the program also in between. For all the 3 days one has to sleep inside the Spanda hall only as some high-energy experience is going to be created. I was even amused, when I had left my clothes to dry outside, and when I wanted to pick them up, a volunteer closely came with me saying that I should not talk to anybody. This warned me of cults and their brain wash! One is asked to write a letter to one's loved ones with total involvement stating, that in three day’s time they are going to die. This breaks, many people who start crying. As I have, never loved anybody, I could not write anything and was simply enjoying the architecture of the spanda hall.

Then, there is intense, outdoor activity of some sports, like pushing one's legs forward to prevent, the walls on closing in & to crush you, keeping the ball in the air for 60 counts or else one will not get his breakfast. There is intense games like running, and football, where some people got intense knee injury with blood oozing but they were forced to continue, with no concern for their pain and shock, even though medicines and cotton were offered by the Nazi Volunteers.

Then it involves painful sitting,[as after games and intense physical activity one feels that a 100 bullets have been fired in one's leg] for long hours and listening to other people's life experiences, like adultery, pre-marital sex and not being able to marry the person, sexual perversions, inferiority complexes, cheating & allied bull-shit, hearing some special music like prakriti purusha, playing games, suddenly crying, suddenly being happy and joyful and also death meditation. One is made to experience that one's soul has itself come out from the body and that soul is lighting fire to the body it once possessed. After this one is shaken by others violently in order for them to learn as to who they really are. Are they this body or something other than the body.

Then in between breaks, the teacher asks people to undergo teacher training programs saying that the forms are outside the hall. So another way to hook full time free slaves/money.

3-Then after intense physical activity one is made to stand in a line and others are asked to see them and experience them as if they themselves are standing and this leads to intense emotions from both sides. From  the 1st day, I knew it was a kind of mesmerism, hence, I just kept repeating the vedantic verse "Brahman satyam jagat mithya" Brahman is the truth and this universe is false.

Then after all the hard feelings towards others have disappeared one is asked to burn one's home work in a bonfire and dance happily having accepted everything and everybody as a part of themselves.

4-On the last day as everybody is simply itching for the pain/agony to end and go home, one of the monks of the ashram comes and garlands the 1st participant and touches his feet and the same is repeated by the others. Then sweet Hare Krishna Mahamantra Music is played and everybody dances so that a new beginning is going to happen in their lives with none of the past bitterness towards anyone/ anybody affecting them in the future.

In my own experience being an intellectual person[Jnana Yogi] possessing a very high level of philosophical thinking and scriptural knowledge the whole thing was a bull shit for me. I got intense fever of 105'c and had to cure myself like Rambo did in Rambo-III movie during my 2 days train/flight travel and returned to my home in a battered state. I spent 15 days in the hospital. I had already become a recluse since 1995 after reading vedanta philosophy and have no friends, family, spouse, children, just sitting in my room whole day and reading vedanta. But BSP was a test from my Guru Maharaj for me to pass. It initiated me into the Hare Krishna Mahamantra and showed me who my real guru was and put me on the track of the correct school of spirituality which was Gaudiya Vaishnavism or ISKCON. Please read my 2009 blog post!

Keep the above warning that you might become mesmerized after doing bhava spandana program and land yourself in the hospital and also give up your family, wealth, job, and join the Isha cult as a full time teacher and become a monk. My respect and adoration for Sadhguru was finished after undergoing BSP. For many days, after BSP, and even now, I wonder, is it the same logical, rational sadhguru, who created and made me do this Bull Shit Spandana.

Now The Experience of Isha Hata Yoga, Done in Dec-2007, Program Donation Rs 750/-

I did this outside the ashram. This is again a very strenuous practice which is taught in just three days and twice a day for 3 hours and if done without loosening the body could land one with very high fever. It did for me.And this also when I had full 2 month practice of Hatha Yoga at Sivananda Ashram with completely a loose body.

People over 50 years of age who have never bent their spine even once, need not waste their money and time as it will be of no use for them. In all about 12 asanas and surya namaskaars are taught which can again be seen from the vivekananda kendra yoga book  This book can be also purchased online from Chennai Math Online Shop, Click Here

Isha Guru Pooja, Done May 2008, Outside the Yoga Centre Donation Rs 1500/-.

The Guru Pooja is the most difficult of all Isha Programs, especially for those who have no past knowledge of sanskrit. It is very lengthy and cannot be learnt in 3 days and most people after paying money leave it in a day. However for me it was a breeze because of my past sanskrit knowledge and 2 months training at Sivananda Ashram. I passed the test in one attempt flat. However in my opinion in no way is the Guru pooja going to make the Kriyas more effective as claimed by Isha or the volunteers. This pooja is available in any sanskrit invocation book costing less than $ 2 so spending three days time in learning different postures of hand and keeping 3 cups consisting of water, rice, sandalwood paste, incense holder, camphor holder etc is of no use in my opinion.

You can download the full guru pooja text from and audio can be downloaded fromFor Rs 1500/- the pooja was definitely costly. In the ashram they teach it for Rs 500/- which is reasonable and the pooja set costs another Rs 500/- which consists of 3 brass small cups, one brass plate, 1 camphor holder, 1 incense holder, one brass holder for oil/lamp . I did not buy all this as I managed with whatever I had at home.

Experience of Shoonya Meditation and Shakti Chalana Kriya 3 days. I did this in June 2008 at the Isha Yoga Centre, Coimbatore, India. Program Donation Rs 2000/-

After experiencing the intense BSP/ Hata Yoga, I became at least aware that Sadhguru/Isha were hard task masters and so was much more mentally/physically prepared. The 1st day, involves, long hours of sitting and doing sukha pranayama for long stretches upto 45 mts and ½ day of doing surya namaskaars. At the end of the day one would feel that their wrist would come out of their hands.

The second day also involves ½ day of surya namskaar and then the shakti chalana kriya is taught. It is a breathing technique which involves sitting in a vajrasana and holding various mudras of hands, and making sound like Dog, Crow, Snake, Making a whistle sound and then while doing breathing concentrating on various body parts like Heart, Lung, Pancreas Liver. Readers can again refer to the Vivekananda Kendra Yoga Book 

The last day is allotted for shoonya meditation where the participants are divided into groups and taken to the initiation room, and one senior lady disciple of sadhguru puts the Beeja[Seed]Mantra into us and the technique of meditation is taught: Just be a witness to your thoughts neither creating them, nor identifying, simply witnessing. This Beeja mantra called Shreeem, Hreeem, Reeeem, can be found in Swami Sivananda's Book "Japa Yoga" which can be purchased online from DLS Books for $ 2.

Again sadhguru in his video kept repeating his un-limited responsibility talk in order to garner free slaves and money in the form of volunteers to expand his Isha Business Empire. He also over hyped about the shoonya, that in the past one Isha meditator from Mangalore India, in competition with muktananda[Another Yoga Instructor like Sadhguru] meditator misused the shoonya and used it for about 3 hours and then found that his weight had suddenly reduced. So after that the duration of shoonya was reduced to 15 mts and the meditation would by itself end in 15-18 mts, otherwise the intensity of the shoonya was so much that people in the past had to be physically carried off from the Initiation room he boasted which was a Lie, I felt. 

So before venturing for shoonya practice sukha pranayama as taught in Inner Engineering for 45 mts and do surya namaskaar for one hour or more daily and practice sitting in vajrasana for upto 2 hrs continuously. If you decide to do Shoonya, please go with complete openness, submissiveness, and with a surrendering attitude towards the Guru and do not create resistance towards the whole process otherwise the Beeja Mantra will not be implanted inside of you. 

So this is it. This was the only practice of Isha which was a overall good experience for me other than Inner Engineering and Guru Pooja, rest were all bad. This Shoonya initiation is a must for those who want to do samyama[8 days silence program] later and has to be done twice before food for 15 mts on hungry stomach.

For a Krishna conscious person who read The Bhagavad Gita "As It Is", it was again not much I felt. But one thing I felt was if Shoonya was practiced regularly a person's intelligence will stagnate for sure and his mental productivity will go down definitely. After a few months, I stopped and felt better. But sometimes I still do it.

Again I suggest If you are above 50 yrs of age having never bent your body or spine even once then please do not go as it would be money wasted and no benefit.

Experience of Isha Samyama, 8 day Silence program as shared by a Isha Meditator with this Blogger. The Blogger has not experienced this himself !

Before Samyama, one is asked, to attend the pre-samyama meet. Here the rules are given for a 40 day preparatory step. In the 40 days that follow after the meet, one is asked, to stop taking alcohol, milk, potatoes, curd, & -ve pranic items, which can cause, too much drowsiness and sleep. Also, one is asked to sit in Ardha siddhasana for long hours. The rules are also given, that, there is no eye contact with people, no watches, no shaving, no mirrors and full silence for 8 days during the program. Even a whisper and one will be sent out of the program. One has to purchase, special white or orange clothing, from Isha shoppe, to be worn, for all the 8 days of the program. So at least, 3 sets, need to be purchased, as, there is no washing of clothes in the 8 days.

The first several days are spent chanting "om namaha shivaya". This chanting is continuous for 3-4 days. There are breaks, but you spend, probably 10 hours per day, chanting that mantra. There are monks, leading the chant, but, when they get tired, they switch off, but you are chanting, it the whole time. There are enforcers, walking among the participants, watching you, to make sure, you are chanting, with "intensity".

The chanting ends, after several days and you are told to focus / meditate on the breath as it enters and exits the nostrils. At the point, on the nostrils, where you first feel it / notice it enter & exit the nostrils. This is done for a couple of days and you are told to always be aware of your breath during the day, during your activities, and to be aware of it as you are going to sleep, and, if you're aware enough, to be aware of it as you sleep. You are told, to always, be aware, of your breath, no matter what you are doing.

Over the last 2 days, or so, you are taught the samyama practice. The samyama practice, consists, of first saying your shoonya beeja mantra 3 times mentally and then being aware of your breath. You should maintain un-interrupted awareness of your breath for a minute or so. After, that is achieved, you bring your thoughts, into your awareness, simultaneously with your breath. After, you can maintain, unwavering awareness, of your breath and thoughts for a minute, you bring the object, of your samyama, into your awareness. The, object of your samyama, can be anything. A tv show, a photograph, the natural scene outside your window, a blade of grass, a stick, a stone, another person, jaggi vasudev - anything.

So, the final stage of the samyama practice is to maintain simultaneous, unwavering awareness of your breath, thoughts and object of your chosen samyama practice. If you lose focus, of your breath, before the first minute, you start the process over, from the beginning, with your shoonya mantra and then breath awareness, etc. If you lose focus, of either your breath, or thoughts during the second minute, you start the process, over again from the beginning with your shoonya mantra, breath awareness, etc. If you lose awareness of either your breath, thoughts or the object of samyama during the third stage, you begin the process, over, again from the beginning with the shoonya mantra, breath awareness, etc.

During the samyama retreat the periods of breath meditation and samyama practice are interspersed with dancing to different types of music and intentionally talking gibberish or making sounds that have no meaning as though the meaningless sounds are words or sentences. You talk this way as though you are angry with another person or arguing with them. (The gibberish talk is a meditation developed by Rajneesh / Osho). The entire 8 days are sprinkled with talks of Jaggi Vasudev. Obviously, there's lot's of screaming, writhing, crying, laughing and other shakti shenanigans going on throughout the entire retreat. It's like a sathsang on exponential steroids.

On the last day, the participants are told not to focus on themselves, their lives or their "interiority." In fact, they are told that in order to "attain", they must mentally BURN all their attachments. SJV, leads a meditation process, to burn these attachments, completely from their mind. These attachments include their kids, spouses, families, parents, home, pets, work, friends, etc. Yes, he says, you must "burn them up" in mental fires, leave them all behind. They are worthless and will prevent you from attaining (whatever it is you're attaining). None of them can go to this unknown spiritual place you are certainly going. (You see, you are special for sitting with SJV.)

So, after all this burning and breaking down, he tells, these hundreds of followers to (instead) attach their breathing, their attention and their energies on a different attachment. The only thing, in their lives, he didn't have them, detach, from or burn up is-SJV himself !

This is the final culmination, of days’ worth, of breaking people, down mentally, psychologically and spiritually. After learning this (not-so-special) Samyama technique, the final goal is an all-encompassing attention on SJV, your master guru.

Unfortunately, followers are all too happy to oblige. And now, he has the adoration of hundreds of devotees willing to (and actually did) burn up their lives for him.

After the samyama retreat, the breath meditation, is to be done, for 40 minutes per day, in one sitting, preferably after pranayama, but not mandatory. The samyama practice / process, is to be done, for an hour a day before going to sleep. That's the ideal time to do it, but, I was told, that it could be broken, up into multiple time, periods totaling an hour per day, for instance 15 minute periods 4 times per day.

So, that's the samyama, in a nutshell. The breath meditation, can be learnt from any number of books or teachers out there. There's nothing special about the Isha method and you don't need to spend 8 days of non-sense to learn it. It is effective, but that's because, the technique is effective, not because of any Isha influence.

I[Blogger] have till date, not done Samyama, nor have plans to do the same, as I have no patience, to sit for 8 days in silence, and it could be another type of mind take over like Bhava Spandana so I played safe.

Final Words:

I M H O, other than, Non SJV Inner Engineering Program of 7 days rest of the programs are not worth the effort. In my own case SJV's discourses have brought more inner growth than the kriyas!

Isha Yoga is mainly meant for those who are operating only with their logical Mind, with Nil Intuition, Nil sanskrit knowledge, Nil Devotion,  or with zero past spiritual life values [100% materialists] and basically for those who are demons/atheists. If you are an overly individualistic, rational, intuitive, free thinker, having quick/deep grasp & contemplation of various philosophies, know scriptures at the back of your hand, freedom loving, having lead life without any controls, then Isha Foundation and It's Yoga is simply a No No for you, like myself. 

Another Red Flag of Isha Yoga is that the "Kriya Yoga" is being offered wholesale for those who can pay, but may not be qualified body wise, energy or mind wise. There are no checks and balances to detect if somebody is ripe enough to receive the "Kriya-Yoga" Process. Unlike other schools of Yoga like Bhakti, Karma, Jnana which don't have reverse effects on it's practitioners Kriya-Yoga can/has seriously back-fired for many.

In my view, SJV offering enlightenment, by simple yogic breathing techniques/kriyas is completely Bogus. At the most the Kriyas can make one physically/mentally more active and productive and sleep quota and sex desire would reduce. This can, become a huge problem, for married people and may lead to divorces, if one spouse is not practicing the Isha Kriyas.

Isha is a very good place, for upwardly wealthy, snobbish, ultra-modern, quality NOC Page-3 type people, to come together, socialize and develop business contacts than any real spiritual benefit. As compared to traditional Spiritual Organizations like Sri Ramakrishna Mission, The Divine Life Society, ISKCON, Jagad Guru Kripalu Parishat I could not find anything of high spiritual substance in Isha considering the hype made in marketing. It is all more Show, Glamour, Self-induced frenzy than real spiritual stuff. A organization intended on robbing rich peter to pay or serve poor paul.

The material side of Isha is 90% and spiritual side is only 10%. In the beginning it was the reverse. A purely good time pass for those people who are born in rich families with neither job commitments, family and willing to spend both their time, money and labor in order to expand the SJV and Isha Empire as a feel good thing of having done something towards their guru and society. 

Not my cup of Tea as I have knowledge of the other world ! I can never accept this one fact that any mortal, conditioned human being, like Sadhguru having the same defects like me; 1-Imperfect Senses,2-Sure to make mistakes,3-propensity to Lie & cheat others, 4-Become Illusioned can be worshipped as "God" whole some, by so many educated people even in this 21st century. For me Lord "Sri Krishna" is the only Personal God! I rest in peace with my Guru Maharaj Nitya Leela Pravishta Om Vishnupada Astottara Sat 108 His Divine Grace Srila A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's Transcendental Books, Gaudiya Vaishnava Philosophy, Krishna Consciousness and Scriptures.

Swami Aniruddha !

The above has been written, only to warn new comers, deciding to join the Isha yoga program for the 1st time so that they can make an informed decision keeping in mind all the truth available beforehand.

Readers are fully welcome to post comments, both pro & anti Isha, without any moderation or word verification. 


  1. I think you should not reveal the contents of the courses here. You are of course free to give your opinions but let others get a feel for it.

    It's like revealing the plot of a movie you don't like.

    Say that you don't like it and perhaps why you don't like it, and please stop there. Don't spoil the fun for future participants who might not be able to resist the temptation to read your report.

    1. Actually, you are asked not to reveal the contents of the programs. So you agree to this. I may not be enlightened, but I do yoga everyweek, meditate every day, changed my diet much healthier, am no longer depressed all the time. I have a stable core in my life because of Sadhguru. You may be able to find these practices elsewhere, but will you practice them? In a program with others there is a support for doing them intensely.

  2. Please share more details of the BSP!!

    Why not reveal the content here unless isha has an ulterior motive?

    1. Because the telling is not the experience and like this blog everyones has different experiences. It is an experience first and foremost. Telling the programs takes away the surprise and maybe the inititive to do it. You may say oh, I dont like that so I am not going to do it. Seems boring or too hard, etc, etc. Not everyone in drawn to Sadguru, but for me I was and there is something there because I never experienced the various emotions and thoughts with any other person.

  3. Man you have gone nuts with age.

    1. Says the Jaggi slave. As of Aug 2016, the cost of all programs have gone over many times.The BSP program is Rs3500 now and Inner engineering 16,000. Pancha bhoota aradhana Rs700.

    2. I did Inner Engineering in November 2016 (time after your comment), costed me just INR 2000.

    3. In USA it is astronomically expensive based on location. In LA the BSP and Shoonya are $750 USD each! Now conver that to Rupees

  4. >Why not reveal the content here unless isha has an ulterior motive?

    I once had a friend who would reveal the climax of every movie he saw. It spoiled the fun of watching the movie since I already knew how it would end. I soon stopped being friends with him because I got sick of him spoiling my experience.

    When you promise to keep something confidential, at least honor your word. Forget spirituality, god or whatever. At least be a decent honest person, Yes?

  5. Good insight...Keep up the gd work.

  6. Very good you are 100 % correct zaysen but this is your experience of life and it won't be true for others even you will say the same things with ISCON after experiencing the same for some years, for me ISHA and ISKON working out well, i am also practicing TM almost for 16 years and that is also cool.

  7. I hope you are the one who poisoned Prabhupada.

  8. It appears to be true comments by the original post.
    Like the Shakthi chakana kriya des good, and the rest is business. I feel why not reveal the contents here, unless there is an ulterior motive

    1. Why don't all the colleges of the world upload their lectures on YouTube for free for the entire public too in tat case???? There is a logic to the program and the sequences. If you reveal the plot, the impact is lost. How can a person with any sense at all not see this and label it as an ulterior motive. Grow up!

  9. Liked your false sadhguru post, exposing many unknown or overlooked facts about this cult. But you could have avoided your own ISKCON BS from it, to make it more unbiased.

    1. Hey there, are you one of those who believes any crap that is written on the net without bothering to verify it for yourself?? In tat case my friend, your mother was an alien from MARS ... She was a queen of course... Please go and tell her that you now know her secret!!!

    2. so you think you are more smart, sadguru is all scrap and I know that since my own cousins used to go there and they sound stupid and I can quote many of them. he is just brining people in with his talents anybody can do that, hope people get saved from all these nonsense.

  10. lol what is this?? this is a very very bious description of BSP. BSP is a great program, no one is asked to go through strenious activity, you must have been hallucinating all the time man. WHy not reveal the contents?? Because then it alters your own experience of the program! I have been doing all the isha practices for 7 years now and i did all the programs and there is nothing ABSOLUTELY nothing suspicious about them, at the contrary they are very good prgrams and people who say otherwise are people who simply have prior expectatins or have their heads full of yoga ideas, you need to do those programs as if you are a child, with your mind open as much as possible

  11. Hi there Zaysen,

    You are the 1st person who has correctly described the BSP program. I just got back from the BSP program, and was going to stay for a Sathsang on the next day. As soon as they gave me my cell phone back, I called my husband and had him change my flight to a day earlier. I wanted to run like hell. The whole thing scared me straight.

    I loved IE, but BSP was way too bizarre for all the reasons you mentioned. I, have not felt myself, since coming home. It's totally bumming me out, since I had to do so much work to get out of my depression and anxiety.

    I absolutely hated the whole thing and would never attend another class. I feel almost superstitious like I'm feeling this way because I came home and told my husband of some of the bizarre things that went on. As you know, it's supposed to be classified information---LOL. I need to get rid of that and move on. I was perfectly fine before, I went there. I'm freaking myself out now!


    1. Good Wesslea that you took the right decision to quit. Thank you Mr. Zaysen for the blog. It is sure to be an eyeopener for one and all.

    2. Hello.. Talk about people with no experience of the tradition of Shiva and who are too used the sophisticated silence of their places of worship. Just because there is madness in BSp, it does not mean that there is no method. There is more method to it than you can fathom. But yes it can scare the daylights out of you if you are the more proper kind. If you persevere, you will love shoonya and the rest to follow

    3. welsslea what happened did you speak to an Ant or a blade of grass and it replied to you. well the problem is that as human beings in today's world have lost touch with nature and we refuse to accept that other creatures even plants have feelings.

  12. The BSP program during the initial talk of the program only, it's made very clear that it's something to do with making you see beyond the your own limitations. So, we have got lot of limitation is our life. it can be physical limitation or mental limitations. Everyone who all have posted comments about BSP program, if they have not attend the program they would have never known in there life that they could do something of that intense in there lives. There is no doubt that going through BSP is not easy at Isha Yoga Centre but the program itself is designed to break your limitations and i feel it solves the purpose and does make you realize your body and mind is capable of doing much more things then you have imagined.

  13. What we don't know we don't know. The final decisive moment comes when the hour of death approaches. Once the process of death starts consciousness starts to move from the extremities to a certain center in is. It is physically painful. The pain and whatever one has to endure in these courses is still easier than what one may experience at the bsp or other Isha courses. The entire purpose of these courses is to prepare one so one can stare death in the face and not get unconscious with fear and pain. The ones that can walk out of their bodies have overwhelming compassion to help others and have devised many different ways and methods to help others. It is very difficult to accept and drop this cage we build around us. I wish the grace of the masters touches us all so we can all gets our cups filled in this lifetime.

  14. I am a highly skeptical person. When I attended Isha program (Inner Engineering and Shoonya meditation) i realised what Grace of Guru means. Isha has made yogic wisdom available to mere mortals like me which would have been available to a person only after decades of serving a Guru in some thick forest. Materialism in Isha Center ? Well, I felt the same when I visited ISKCON temple in Bangalore. That was the first ever 5 star temple I had seen in my life. But now my skepticism of ISKCON has waned and I understand that the right climate can be created for so many people only with some basic facilities and that costs money.

  15. Funny post ;-)
    No one is right and no one is wrong. It's just your experience.

    1. yes you r very much right...it just defines one's involvement in the programs...if u r really involved in the programe without any distractions or prejudice..one can definetely notice a very significant changes...it may be either in reality or may be psychological...but without giving in ur best u cant get the best...whatever and however strenous it might be..u must be involved in it rather that thinking how difficult it is to do...and that is what is ur experience...then why is it that others have a completely different experience....it just takes a little bit of dedication and interest...rather than just comparing this and that...

  16. dude,

    If BSP was so horrible, why did you bother to take up Shoonya Meditation (along with Shakti Chalana Kriya's). You might have been in situation where BSP or any other advance cources was not meant for you. Everybody has thier own experience and I would request you to value thier's and experience it them for themself. If something did not happen for you it does not mean it would happen for whole of the world.
    I would suggest you continue with something which gives you peace and joy, if its ISKCON be with them until you find something which you really wanted to get.

    1. "If BSP was so horrible, why did you bother to take up Shoonya Meditation" .. TOTALLY AGREE.. Zaysen contradicted himself.

  17. I did my BSP in 2011. It is one amazing program that helped me come out of many things. My limitations. Early, I only had a thought of helping people and I was always with many doubts. Now, after BSP, I am just doing it with no question. It made me look that I am everywhere. It expanded me. And, that feeling is so beautiful. And, I'll definitely do every Isha program. With the experiences I had, I know how much it means to me. It's valuable.

  18. Please check youtube for Osho Dynamic Meditation, you will find that Mahadeva meditation is same with a few changes. Sadhguru claims that he has designed this meditation.

    1. Hi, Kindly think before you speak.., Maharshi Patanjali and Yogi Vasishta is primary source for all forms of yoga happening around the world..., Mahadeva or Isha Kriya or X or somebody in the future created some programme all are the same boss..., it is like same old wine in new bottle...!

    2. Sadhguru has never claimed he invented it you immature fool. He always says that in days of yore it took 21 years or more to receive it from the masters. Stop lying please

    3. can you give the details of shoonya meditation.

  19. Finally one think I have realized from your experience. BSP must be a great experience like giving birth to a baby. You are such a poor person to misunderstand it. Jaggi always used to say, "Don't imagine things, be yourself and look into yourself". I think you have missed that point.

  20. So all that Jagadish Vasudev is capable of giving, is experiences, such as those that has people coming back for more and more and more and more.....

  21. They supposed to so rude to you like innocent creatures. These aren't much cruel than the world you are living in and moreover, spiritual isn't pan cake.

  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNBFOTb3FMw
    Please check out the video Leela - the path of playful.
    Hope that gives some clarity on Krishna. And you change your bad opinion. Be peaceful.

  23. Follow Krishna's teachings at

  24. isha is just a bunch of crap and vasudev is just an entertainer. he has nothing to offer. there's lots to find out about his dark side if you look and research. zaysen has just scratched the surface of his shenanigans.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Im interested in knowing more abt him b4 going to isha. Can u send me?

    3. Colonel Zaysen, your bs seems to have no end when it comes to spinning venomous tales about Isha/Sadhguru. Remember, what goes around, comes around.

    4. Colonel Zaysen - A surprise, even after attending so many programs and that too in so many places, you're still a dumbo..
      If you dont come out of your shell, you're just a nut!

    5. You've not understood the beauty and the mystery of Isha Yoga. It is quite beautiful if people do not know what's going to happen next.
      That's how you learn to live in the moment.. Not by writing an essay of bad words on some one :)
      And by the way, Im going to attend the silence program without reading your dull text with the list of course contents :)

    6. So you think zaysen has only scratched the surface of SJV's deceit? Well have you bothered to understand his teachings even a bit without the big wall of prejudice and suspicion in front of you??? I guess the answer is no or to counter my point you will lie and say "yes!!"

    7. If u were so sure about the of Isha, then dear colonel, why were you scared about the law suits?? Stop fooling the world

    8. Man,

      Why are you so angry! If you know something that suits you go for it.
      Constructive criticism is fair, but beyond
      that is jealousy of someones success in helping humanity towards spiritual path; need not be all perfect to our weak perceptions.

      Love from us all

  25. Saghguru himself has talked about Krishna in the program called mahabharat. It was one of the interesting programs ever conducted in modern day about Krishna. So don't make it a problem between Vaishnavites and Shaivites. Sadhguru is beyond that identity. Please check out the Isha DVD on mahabharat. Having said all these I'm not a sadhguru fanatic but I have not seen anybody like him. He has given himself completely for the human well being. For his intellect if he wanted he could have left the body in Samadhi long time back. Swami Prabhupada was great but that doesn't mean other gurus are fake. please open your mind. Stop publishing the content of the programs. You are doing disservice to your commitment. That is a very bad karma.

    1. yes a true spiritual seeker never follows anyone blindly nor do he/she puts down someone...it is just that he respects his guru as any other guru...when something is not in one's experience u have no point in proving that it is not....then what do u say about the people who literally experienced the same which u have not...so please mr. colnel zaysen...donot disgrace any one and uplift the other...religiou/caste/sect/believes are all the same....it never tkes you to the reality...plez it is my humble request...

  26. If you are so committed to Prabhupada why did you even look for other spiritual organizations? You should always be chanting Mahamantra and be peaceful following all the anarthas. Instead you are spreading hatred against another Guru and his disciples. There are so many spiritual Gurus in India why don't you go and explore all of them and blog about everybody? People lived even before Krishna was born. People lived even before Rama was born. Both Rama and Krishna worshipped Shiva. It is narrow minded to think about whether Vaishnavism is right or if Shaivism is wrong.
    Instead of spreading hatred go and increase the counts of your mahamantra chanting. May Krishna provide you a loving heart.

  27. I've done most ISHA programs and I'm currently a wreck in soo many ways I can't even begin to describe....I don’t mean to discourage anyone but I'm sharing this from my own personal experience... I'm not sure what life had intended me to experience with ISHA but with everything that I've gone through...it's been the worst experience of my life!...and I’m still vEry broken without a hint of how to put myself together again...feels like I’m simply drifting with absolutely no direction and with soo many different physical ailments....and so a word of caution to those young and enthusiastic meditators who are willing to give up everything for the cause...wellbeing may not be what you'd expect at the end of the journey....I’d ask that you continue to be rational and use your intelligence and not get driven by “out of this world” experiences of others unless you experience it yourself.

    One stark realization that I’ve had is that at some point in my journey with ISHA.. I simply stopped “questioning” which seems to contradict our initial exposure to ISHA through the I.E program where we were encouraged to question everything…including our beliefs…all I ask now is that we continue to "question everything"…

    I’m certain there’s plenty of unanswered questions in everyone’s mind when it comes to ISHA such as the high cost of programs / goods being offered (a.k.a donations)....the implications to the forest reserve with the ashram's continued expansion (incl. a recently added swimming pool)…I’m not asking for speculations…but for all of us to merely look at things as they are (as we were constantly told at ISHA)….and tell me if there’s something not quite right with this picture.

    One last thing….just a query….with all these practices ….tell me honestly….has any one of us ever experienced any consistency in the way we experience life? Has anyone been able to operate from beyond the clutches of the mind / emotions…..is this state of existence even a reality??…Sadly I don’t believe I’ve even seen such traits in the experienced ISHA teachers …....thank you Zaysen for creating this forum….it’s comforting to know that I’m not alone :-)

    1. I hope you are someone sent by Pastor Paul Dhinakaran.
      That family owns about 750 acres for Karunya university.
      They are on the other side of vellingiri mountain.
      Why don't anybody raise any questions about the damage done by them to the forest or for that matter the clever plans they have to raise the cross of Jesus Christ in the vellingiri mountain?
      Isha's ashram occupies a total of 150 acres. It is well away from the mountain. What damage is it causing to the forest. It was already deforested before Sadhguru took the initiative to plant trees in the mountain.
      Too many evangelicals are in this blog and they are trying to damage the name of Isha.
      What goes around comes around that is Karma.
      Don't blame your problem on Sadhguru. It has taken many life times for many sadhus to get realized. You study 21 years to become an engineer but in very few days you want to get enlightened. How fair is it?

    2. see the problem is nowhere...initially many people feel the same coz that is what has to happen to settle the energies in aligning the physical body...let us understand it this way...it is like a virus entering ur body..and ur body tries to resist it..but unfortunately u get fever or any illness...after the fever resides...the effect doesnt completely reside...it will take a few more days/months or even years to completely get resistance to it...this is what happens to every one..and this is the same case even during initiation and there after...all we have to do is to continue with the practices as directed..and wait for the effect to significantly affect u...it may even take few years (usually not more than a year}..because your life energies and physical body has never ever gone in such states before...and if such things never happen...you will not know the beauty of the it...you cant appreciate any thing u got until you missed it a lot..so please follow my advise...continue as directed and and just watch how things change in ur mind and overall personality....may god bless you and all...my regards....!!!!!

    3. This guy was a wreck before, and from what he's telling us here, he's still a wreck now. My question is, 'What has this got to do with sadhguru/isha yoga?'. The simple realization is that 'Okay, this [Isha yoga] isnt working for me, so I need to keep searching for a solution for resolving my mental garbage'. But a sure fire way to reinforce and highlight mental retardedness is to simply blame a method or system because [your application of] it did not rebalence your miserable state of consciousness.

    4. Just want to let you know we are all skeptics (most of us) to start with. No doubt there will be questions of economics.
      But even if you do not have resources to attend the programs. Just watch some recorded videos on youTube. It is important
      that one needs some exposure to understanding what Sadhguru explains.

      The same way I benefited from teachers guidance in school on how to do well in studies, I started benefitting from listening to him. One by one I am progressing. I hope more of his videos will
      be available on youTube. It takes years to
      internalize for the new comers to spiritual

      I feel you have all a right to discuss what is not working for you. It is the responsibility of others to provide truthful
      answers. So don't feel bad if you wrote negative. But look for what works for you. Be open, then the light will get through my friends.

  28. What do you want in this life? and what did you expect from Isha? what do you want to experience spiritually? - and if you are concerned about money or fee they charge.. your concern is money.. do you want any free course or what? how much would u spend for 8 days living out of Isha? learning is itself a spiritual. what was your schoolings? educated in free of cost Govt school? or spent lakhs in private? Sadhguru might have gone and lead a life in a forest himself like what other yogis did thousands of years ago without teaching 'nothing' to people. Happy that Sadhguru has the mind/heart to teach what he's known! I've just attended Hatha yoga 2 weeks ago.. and I see tremendous changes in me Physicall & Mentally! whatever you do.. if its done with full heartedly.. anyone can feel it. If you doubt/check.. nothing can be felt/attained.

  29. .. and I'm going to attend Shoonya and Bhava Spandana by two months from now!
    I'm so excited and welcoming the moments :o)

  30. I have attended IE and BSP. Please don't get biased by any of the accounts damaging or otherwise written here. Life's a journey, just enjoy it. I had tremendously powerful experiences during both IE and BSP. Huge surges of energy, powerful visuals (during BSP)and a lot more. Not only because I am a scientist, I'm a very analytical person, logical too. And I know that the experiences were real. I'm sure it must have been painful for some people when their spouses/children distanced themselves. it should have been done with better understanding and mutual consent. But please don't blame Sadhguru for that. It must have been coming anyway. Meditative practises do threat our existence, the way we want existence to be. And we are insecure in that existence. When that breaks down, we retaliate and blame Sadhguru. Please stop doing that, and let others experience him and decide for themselves.

  31. It is very much evident from the blog, the person has so much of physical and mental blocks. To overcome that, it requires some courage and interest and this blog is completely written out of fear complex and by a person who is constantly worried about his physical and mental state and cannot enjoy what is being done. Not just Isha, no one can really bring about a change in a person for the better unless he/she really thinks changing for the better is not only important, but also enjoyable which is the very basic of human life. The program is actually designed to come out of these blocks and not just get stuck with our everyday work, meetings, mobile calls, get-togethers, movies etc.

  32. The author of this blog is retarded.. He needs to see a doctor..

    1. i totally and whole heartedly agree. If fools like this go around spreading such malice towards something so beautiful, humanity really has no chance

  33. I just meet a person who did Samyama and His experiences were really wonderful.
    A psychopath like the blogger who attended BSP without any interest or involvement can only be a crook in his life.
    I would suggest he trying to mock prophet muhammed. He will get killed by the fanatics. Only in Indian the Gurus get abused by Psychopaths. Like Arati Rao screwed Nithyananda this psycho blogger is screwing Isha.

  34. This is your experience and has little to do with how others experience Sadhguru. This is the fault of the human mind that these practices aim to overcome - that a dualistic thought arises and you believe it. If you were not so attached to your thoughts, you might have learned this during the programs. Then you would not be so opinionated. But instead you became more hardheaded out of fear and self-grasping. Different things work for different people... Isha works for many because they have faith and trust. If you are lacking these then surely you will not benefit.

  35. Sir, Thanks for sharing YOUR experience.... i mean your OWN experience....Can i tell you something... Your Own experience would not suit for remaining ppl across the globe. Everybodyz is unique in this earth and each one have different perspective on any given single object/thing. So my experience cannt be your's and your experience cannt be mine.

    Try to understand the basics... Nothing is new in this earth... Whatever action, activities, response we do, it would resemble to someone/something... everything is derived from something...

    So instead of spending your valuable time in making all these compliants, you can spend it somewhere else constructively.

    Am really Sorry, if i would have hurted you....

  36. My friend, I don't think you understand yoga, but thank you for the opportunity of sharing what you have shared, yes I did view some of the links, but I do not think that is, as it is. Personally speaking I find sadhguru incredibly amazing, he has inspired me in so many ways without going to non of the programs I watched him nearly every day on youtube, I find much clarity just listening to him . It is very important to have faith in what you do my friend, you may think its an a cult, but that is just bad publicity you are giving to him I am pretty sure people who go to him go because they like and admire him for the sake of who he is which is ever inclusive, and the utmost clarity they regain from being with him

    1. Reply to Anonymous 28-Jun-2013 13:08

      Just now I received a e-mail from a lebanese women, who freed herself from the Isha yoga cult after 10 years,and wasted her youth for Isha and Sadhguru and realized that it is just a trap to hook young people as full time slaves. She has freed herself after reading my blog and concluded that SJV is a fraud.

      If SJV is so genuine as u claim he is after hearing his discourses, then In a moment u should have become enlightened. Have U ? Or till date why in 25 years not a single person has done Isha Yoga programs, become enlightened and given proof that Isha Yoga works!

      Colonel Zaysen

    2. Do you really think that an enlightened person will be willing to come and say that I am enlightened? seriously? do you think he/she will be bothered with all these stuff :)

    3. Colonel Zaysen, you have either escaped a mental institution or planning to land up there with your really hyper anxious blog. Please do yourself and others a favor and stop writing. You are just paving your way to a really morbid existence. Don't like something? Simple... Don't go there. folks like you and this Lebanese woman ( if she is not a figment of your hyper active jmagination) will go through life scalping everything of any value. Please stop.

  37. Do you have proof that chanting Maha Mantra again and again in your life will lead you krishna loka or Vaikunt?
    SJV is transforming people. Why not appreciate that?
    ISKCON is a big hierarchical cult. Why couldn't Prabhupada stop all the sex abuse of children in ISKCON?
    Why don't you also take the fight with politicians or may be bigger groups like the one in Vatican?

  38. Guys..Just One single sentence-Yoga programs offered by works:-).I am a living proof and i am sure there are many..Doesn't matter if you get enlightened or not.Just go with a surrender attitude and show total dedication to the practices..That itself is the guru dakshina:-)

  39. Juggi has been a fraud all along i have followed him from his Tirupur days.man in his greed and after making the most of the materiel world illegal wants enlightenment for a price and juggi has exploited this successfully.All anti national and illegal things are done in the ashram .No rule of this land are followed buildings are built with no approvals forest land is encroached upon energy is stolen forest animals and environment damages are the order of the day. Influence of politicians and people in power has given the guru his uninterrupted run, but for how long?

    1. Completely agree with you & this blogger ! No transparency in any of Isha's activities or finances. But then the finances and other classified information may only be revealed depending upon who your are in society. Like the blogger, said, no sanctity of sanyas or monk-hood in the present degraded age of Kali. Everything is a farce ! All sanyasis whether inside Isha or outside are only Sex-Ashis's!

      Cheers ! Dilip !

  40. I read the entire blog and supporting people's comments with great astonishment which reminded me the story told by Sadhguru. As much as I can remember it was something like this:

    "A guy was searching a guru himself to learn about his aim in his life. He was told about a guru and went to him directly. However this was a silent guru. He was not speaking at all. The guy begged him for weeks and weeks asking for a sentence from his guru. Finally guru spoke and he only said "Do something good and throw it to the well". After he hears this sentence, with all his excitement, he leaves guru and runs to find an opportunity. Suddenly he sees an old woman trying to cross the street. He says to himself. This is it. I will help this lady. So he rushes to this lady and help her cross the street and then throws her to the well".

    With that said, we can only say it is all about how you perceive and understand things based on your level of intelligence and awareness.

    I don't want to believe (and I do not) that the blogger Colonel Zaysen wrote this log with any bad intentions. Whatever is being done with Isha practices are not in his experience so that he thinks that all Isha activities are fraud.

    However I don't believe that he was threatened by Isha because believe me Isha people never and never judge anything good or bad, right or wrong. You are free to do anything as long as you are ready to accept the consequences. So whatever the blogger thinks is correct to himself but it does not reflect the truth unfortunately.

    I would recommend him to reconsider the fact that, the majority of Isha people come from really good backgrounds and education, they are intelligent people with good careers and have the ability to differentiate what is true and what is not. It is a bit insult to us, to Isha people, where we do not have any bad intentions to anyone other than working on ourselves to become better human beings.

    It is very unfortunate for the blogger and to those who think like him, because they missed a very good thing in their lives. I mean maybe in their current lives, hope they will in their next lives :)

    1. Very well put! I guess the blogger does not have a balanced mind. btw, I have NOT done any of Isha's programs till date. I listen to Sadhguru though on youtube.

  41. Hi,
    If you believe in one faith , you can not comment on others faith.First thing what teaches you when you believe in something is not to comment on others.So please don't try to spread negative energy among others.
    Better learn to be Good human to your self first then talk about others

  42. If you think you have something positive in you, please use that to influence people around you. The post that you wrote just reflects the negative aspect of who you are.

  43. Isha yoga worked for me and the experiences shared in the blog are to the extreme opposite end of what actually happens. If there are any Newbies looking for whether to go for isha yoga or not.. you should try it for yourself and then decide.

  44. I have attended Isha yoga programs and really it has transformed me.The only condition is that you must be in a receptive state without any expectations .

  45. @ Author
    Millions of people came and passed away. Same is applicable for guru's and teachers. What difference it makes in the quality of your life by judging others actions and forming opinions on them, if their actions mean nothing to you. Focus on what you want.
    Why bother about writing or speaking anything about anyone which has no meaning in your life.
    We all know nothing, but we keep forming useless opinions

  46. All isha supporting gooffies, how many of you know about THRISHUL SHELTERS a company registered for jaggi's daughter Radhe jaggi. How many of you know jaggi and sweet darling bharathi varadharaj the lady responsible for poor viji's death are living together inside isha itself? How many of you know that they are the initial registered directors of that company? How many of you know the assets value of the properties bought in Mysore? How many of you know he furnished his name as V. Jagadeesh and provided his Mysore house address to ROC instead of isha foundation address where he holds his voter's id. Before supporting jaggi find out these facts in ROC thru RTI. To know his connection with Barathi only the security person of jaggi's house can reveal the truth or you can even check out by standing in front of his house entrance whenever jaggi stay in ashram. Rest of the time she will be in her house in Coimbatore.

    1. Do one really needs to find out? why dont you help us with that and ask many other important questions through RTI maybe about Nehru, his support for butcher houses and what else intresting you could found. We still follow GANDHIJI without questiong because of his views and not because of his very personal. And bar girl sonia gandhi, ask that too also? To this day our country has stood after all invasions by mughals and british only because of spiritual beliefs and works of augustya muni in creating such a society that even now you u not find any britisher here, who have a great share in australian american, south african etc. population. Some things are tested with time and hope we are not blind followers. the day sadhguru kills anybody would be the last day ill follow him, nad look for a better guru. People who want shortcuts and frequent outcomes are only cheated and not everyone. Please help us with imformation if you are really concerned.

  47. A guru said: 'there is no yoga without hinduism- worship of hindu gods, and no hinduism without yoga... If you want to worship krisna- who seduced all the farmers' wives and had sex with them, then go ahead! If you don't believe in Jesus, then you'll believe in any old spirit mascarading as 'GOD'... If i see someone walking toward a cliff, i have to warn him. BEWARE! Contact me: timfaraos@gmail.com

    1. check you gospels, they have been edited since long to save time explaining everything and keep many things secret. you must know that a bull do not know who jesus is or krishna is. for a bull a god might be, incase like a bull only. Krishna was 22nd incarnation of vishnu the createor. and when i talk about Vishnu i do not mean a guy walking with 2 eyes, ears and limbs, but a force that maintaince the balance in universe. ooops u might not be knowing because jesus never said i am christian, worship me,but church does and are since long doing good business. Christ was born 2000 years ago before that buddhism already existed (check the vedio lost 12 years of jesus) krisna existed some 5000 years ago and Rama existed 9000 years ago.. and there are accounts to beings much earlier. do bit research and youll find that whatever religion we believe in, it modified versions of due to impact of time.

  48. Without taking any sides of either zaysen and sadhguru and wishisng those who are in search of self like me, who always wondered about cosmos, pulsars, galaxies ant till the limits where not even the brilliants of mind have yet even think of, i chose to help myself with ancient knowledge of sages. Turning my face from science to spirituality in hope to find why we are actually here is no easy question to answer for anyone. Now, just think of it, science and that to modern one (mostly dating back atleast 100 yeaars) is still too far from most basic questions and makes even Einstien think if "i were god how would have i created" well he was being extrovert and when some introvert like Buddha made a search within, it took only a night to become enlightened (though it took 6 years of experimenting with himself to finally realize that he must look inwards). So all i meant to point out is that, a scientist takes all the pain to invent or explain simple things and dedicated entire his life to it, but like thomas Edison failing 10000 times did not took any single one as failure and called it a methods how we cannot make a bulb. All the pain is subdued when you have a burning desire. So being a man in search of self and creation, one must not fear about pain, being cheated, being called stupid etc. because there is no faliure only lessons learnt.

    Also to mention if reading books is only way to enlightenment, zaysen would not have even cared to write this blog regarding what not to do but as for what to do. Appriciate his efforts made in search of self because i respect his desire that he is atleast on the pursuit. But those whose karma takes over their mind senses and comfort, its very general that if you are made to eat the food a poor do, made to work like a labour does and live a life very simple by choice, one would know atleast they are capable of doing that too. Just think that after doing all this if i were to know what budhha, krishna, rama did, ill better do it till my breath empties before my will. (point of view of a science graduate, seeker, follower of vivekanada, patanjali, bhrigu and all the saints who left something to ponder upon. Also done inner engineering programme)

    TWO IMPORTANT QUOTES FROM GAUTAMA(23rd incarnation of Lord Vishnu)
    #"Let my skin and sinews and bones dry up, together with all the flesh and blood of my body! I welcome it! But I will not move from this spot until I have attained the supreme and final wisdom."

    #"Do not go by revelation;
    Do not go by tradition;
    Do not go by hearsay;
    Do not go on the authority of sacred texts;
    Do not go on the grounds of pure logic;
    Do not go by a view that seems rational;
    Do not go by reflecting on mere appearances;
    Do not go along with a considered view because you agree with it;
    Do not go along on the grounds that the person is competent;
    Do not go along because "the recluse is our teacher."
    Kalamas, when you yourselves know: These things are unwholesome, these things are blameworthy; these things are censured by the wise; and when undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill, abandon them...
    Kalamas, when you know for yourselves: These are wholesome; these things are not blameworthy; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness, having undertaken them, abide in them." (Gautama Buddha)

    Have a better pourpose in life zaysen, or your karma will pay you back for being biased without giving proper thought.

    -Maharishi Bharat

  49. Zaysen......it is really difficult to wake people from madness and darkness. Lord Shiva will guide you to stop fake gurus by using his name for the sake of earning money and fame.
    Keep it up. We want more Zaysen to wake up this world or atleast India.

  50. Give me ur email id Zaysen

  51. Zaysen, salute you for this blog. You have opened the eyes of many.What is you opinion of Steven Hassan's book on cults?

  52. Zaysen , awesome blog posted. Thank you for sharing it.

  53. What is Bhava Spandana - the shocking cult science and technology of Bhava Spandana : http://www.workingpsychology.com/cult.html

    This is exactly the same method used by Osho in past. Bhavspandana is the volunteer recruitment programming of Sadhguru.

    No one at Isha has got enlightened till date.

    The Isha ashram land in Coimbatore is acquired illegally.

    Sadhguru was accused of killing his wife in past.

    He does not follow his own principles in ashram.

    About 50 to 100 volunteers are locked in silent room and beaten every day at Isha.

  54. Never ever talk about the methodology of an enlightened man... What wisdom do you have to comment on him... how could you translate something beyond mind into mind fool...
    Stop criticizing... start loving slowly you will grow and understand...

  55. This is what Sadhguru teaches. To move beyond judgement and I see that it has worked the opposite way for this person. Let him be like that. I accept his writing. These are his views and experiences. It is unique for every individual.

  56. There are two types. 1. Organisations that are uncomfortable about his popularity and, 2. People who are convinced by the smear campaigns run by such organisations.

    Although he only teaches non religious and ancient yogic methods, for inner awakening for anyone who is willing, apparently some powerful and well funded religious organisations feel insecure about his popularity.

    Even though he does not ask people to believe in any god or believe in anything for that matter (including him), organisations that preach atheism are working against him too.

    This is not to be confused with the individual followers of any religion or individuals who believe in atheism. The individuals are open to his work and even interested in it. That is perhaps the reason for the insecurity of these organisations. And of course, he always makes fun of dogmatic beliefs of all religions and prods people to seek on their own.

    Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev says his methods are based on yogic science which is of the inner nature of human beings that would work for anyone who practices them. Its got nothing to do with any dogma or religious beliefs. However these organisations consider him a threat for them because his work is spiritual in nature.

    These organisations run smear campaigns. There is a general suspicion about anyone who has been successful in anything in India anyway. So people who believe the smear campaigns further promote them.

  57. hello Zaysen

    Could you help? Did Sadhguru make up his own version of surya kriya, or is it taken from another source?

    Thank you

  58. Thank you so much for the info. I was planning to go for Bsp but a little doubtful too as I saw people crying etc in the video clippings. Now I have decided not to.

  59. My idea about experiencing "bhava" is such that I do not have to pay for it and torture myself in the name of spirituality. I enjoy meditating and doing kriya yoga all my self. It has helped me become more neutral to emotions. I do not feel the need to giggle, laugh, cry, anger, resentment, hatred, thankfulness, etc. I try to maintain slight smile, but mostly neutral face. This is what spirituality should turn one into. When I saw tje promotional video if bsp, I was disheartened. Another disappointment was the sound of drums played when sjv teaches the last part of shambhavi mahamudra. It was simply distracting the mind and disturbing body calmnesd. I realized these programs are prepared are designed for those who have never ever seen or felt anything spiritual.

    My suggestion, if you are experiencing beautiful spiritual moments and want to experience more with the help.of a guru, ishayoga is not you.

    1. "Correction"
      ...want to experience more with the help of a guru, then ishayoga is NOT for you.

  60. My idea about experiencing "bhava" is such that I do not have to pay for it and torture myself in the name of spirituality. I enjoy meditating and doing kriya yoga all my self. It has helped me become more neutral to emotions. I do not feel the need to giggle, laugh, cry, anger, resentment, hatred, thankfulness, etc. I try to maintain slight smile, but mostly neutral face. This is what spirituality should turn one into. When I saw the promotional video if bsp, I was disheartened. Another disappointment was the sound of drums played when sjv teaches the last part of shambhavi mahamudra. It was simply distracting the mind and disturbing body calmness. I realized these programs are prepared are designed for those who have never ever seen or felt anything spiritual.

    My suggestion, if you are experiencing beautiful spiritual moments and want to experience more with the help of a guru, ishayoga is not for you.

    1. Well Said, Well Written & Aptly Put ! Like yourself I am always neutral in any position and never preached Isha to anybody! A simple Bhagavad Gita As It Is of ISKCON Founder A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada offers much more than the Body Mind Torturing of Bull-Shit Spandana. Isha yoga is not for many of us, the sooner we realize and come out the better for us as it a black hole which can suck us money & labour wise ! Swami Aniruddha !

    2. Stop your non sense about Isckon. You have mentioned that you are a gyan yogi, how come you are finding solace in prabhupad and his bogus translation of bhagwad geeta.
      Prabhupad openly in his bhagwan Geeta criticizes Advait philosophy and Shankaracharya.
      Even if you feel isha programs have not been working for you, then why did you go on doing other advanced programs?
      I myself have not done any isha program and an avid vipassana meditator but I don't go on looking down upon other guru and sects. Your develish nature truly matches with the wretchedness of prabhupad and his mockery of Mayawad which he vomits on all pages of bhagwad geeta.

      I would request every one to ignore this guy and read bhagwad geeta of gitapress only to understand the real message of krishna

  61. I read a few of your blog posts, thank you for bringing to light many of the things i was suspecting about Isha foundation and the likes. I could draw a lot of paralles between nithy and Vasudev.

    Coming to you current post, you sound like one of those vaisnavite fanatics who look down on any other belief system.

    You call yourself (self proclaim) as a gnana yogi? And it is wrong is vasudev calls himself sadguru? ... These titles command respect when it is given by people with love.

    You also claim to have read various philosophical scriptures and bhagavad geetha and bhagavatam.... What have you learned? Where is your humility? If you haven't understood and put into practice any of what you have read, how can you call yourself a yogi and a gnana yogi at that!

    It is like someone reads all about trekking i himalayas and thinks that he/she has trekked the mountain. How will anyone know how it really feels to trek the mountain unless they trek once? Exactly like that, how can you claim to be a yogi when you do not practice the knowledge you have gained? How can you ridicule a fellow eogist like vasidev who is doing something similar, except in a larger scale?

    our country has seen a lot of selfrealized souls who never charged a single penny to spread the pearls of wisdom.... Who wore a strip of cloth on their body and lived just about anywhere completly absorbed in self and living every moment in practice of what they preach...

    Todays self proclaimed gurus have made a nig fat joke of sanatana dharma and erected huge business empires.... ISKON is no different than any of the similar business orgs... So please stop talking down on others panckes when your own pancake had tons of holes in it.... In todays time, there is no perfect guru or perfect shishya, everyone is making do of what they've got.

    I pray for all the people who are trapped in such cults and also pray for those who will get sucked into these in the future....

  62. The Author himself is a follower of a big cult named ISKON..It has become easy to prey on people by offering a chance of enlightenment, we are mostly unhappy with the way our lives are, so people lunge at any chance of attaining spiritual enlightenment...the Isha programs may or may not offer benefits as I have not attended them but don't go on preaching prabhupad...what is with ISKON people calling themselves as "swami"...lord krishna is supreme.. this prabhupad fellow and other swamis are fake.

  63. http://www.martusministry.org/download/Isha-Yoga-Roots.pdf

  64. Honestly. I've had good spiritual experiences without side effects doing buddhist meditations from free transparent sources... like dharma overground. i had invested a lot of time and energy in isha before ... I wouldn't do it again. That said isha wasn't a complete waste but it wasn't as efficient or effective as it's cost. Im more energised by autonomy

  65. What I don't understand is the extremes to which you go to paint Isha in a bad light. You have even posted some PDFs saying stripping the Gurus - I could not read it, but from the preview, I saw that it calls Sri Ramakrisha as a pedophile and SRi Vivekananda as a womaniser. I just don't know how you can call yourself a rational person after posting such PDFs. You think you are above Sri Vivekananda? You yourself claim - whatever you experienced was not much for youreslf because of all the experiences you have had after reading so many scriptures. And you blame the people who highlighted that you are egoistic? You think you are not egoistic to post such self-praises?

  66. Looks like the author himself is adding stories as comments. And the vicitm stories went a lot overboard with Sadhguru seducing young girls "physically" and all. When you lie, try not to exaggerate at least. Loos like he wants to stop people from going to Isha (for whatever reason he has) - and he is trying every thing to do it. The only thing I can think of after going through all this is - he is an ISCKON follower - a Vaishnavite. Isha though not with religion consdiers Shiva as the Adiyogi - Shaviaite. The Vaishnavite obviously wants to stop the Shaivite. Clear as sky but it is pathetic. Being a person who believes in both Shiva and Vishnu, I feel pathetic when people of these sects try to degrade each other. They are not seeing the bigger picture and without that they cannot claim to be even Hindus.

  67. Don't be jealous with isha. My wish and blessings you and your guru will must understand the depth of isha programmes.

    1. I have no envy towards Isha,But the so-called depth of the Isha programs R not So Deep enough to the extent they are Over-Hyped,Over-Priced,Marketed & Used as Bait to Hook Others for a Life Time !

  68. I see lot of egoism and false self confidence in you. those who are too sure of themselves are the most ignorant people in this world. you said a few time that I read prabhupada gita like you did such a great tapasya! every fool can read books, true knowledge comes from experience of god through samadhi, if techniques didn't work for you or you didn't see any miracles etc.... there can be many reasons, don't blame Guru or the path, Sadhguru has transformed millions of lives including mine. actually your are seeing what is your defects in him, actually prabhupada is jsut an intellectual person like a preachers and he made a cult of simple vedic knowledge, but I respect him, you are to sure of your own, unless you doubt everything you know you will not know GOD! Krishna is beyond out stupid mental conclusions, don't be arrogant and stupid, I am not saying this to insult you but to make you more aware.

  69. ISKCON IS LAVISH.. I HAVE STAYED as a paying guest in India in an ISKCON owned property.. They force you more than anyone to get up early and chant if you are not a follower also.. You won't be spared... But Atleast isha is doing its job by providing the methods for the ones who paid..

  70. Hey guys and gals. I just did BSP and this person can't be more wrong abt it. I came across this blog before I went into the meditation and avoided reading it as this blog gives the description of the meditations, which takes away the surprise element. I would highly recommend BSP to any serious or even semi serious yogis out there. BSP helps to advance the practice and make you see truth in a completely different light. Pleas don't pay attention to this hateful, egoistic, misguided, and ignorant rant.May be he has to travel a different part. Just go there, play, meditate, be honest, and have a lot of fun..

  71. Does this author knows that 70% of Isha's work is in rural india and absolutely free of cost. The same programs you pay 3-4K to attend are absolutely free of cost for poor rural villagers. Go and check any reliable source on that. Sadhguru has already said many times that he is stealing money from the 30% city people who can afford it so he can sustainably offer the same programs to people who cannot afford it. You have an idiotic idea in your head that spirituality should be free. You can pay 500-600K for a meaningless movie but cannot pay the same for your ultimate well being.

    You call yourself a gnana yogi. Lauguable. What is the very first stage of gnana yoga ? You realize your logic is of no good and cannot lead you to higher possibility. But you seem to be one of those who have destroyed all his possibilities by your own intellect.

    Until you can experience this "one-ness" like the way you experience a hard pinch in your skin, what's the point of reading these scriptures ? doesn't matter how well you remember every word.

    Comparing spiritual masters with each other is a very childish tendency, commonly found in people just starting on the path or those who are just looking for entertainment. Not someone who call himself a "gnana yogi"

  72. I have done Isha programs since 2006 including BSP. My life has changed over time and I feel I am a new person. I never felt abused or in a cult at all. If Isha didnt work for you continue with what does. I dont know why you have anger and want to ruin it for everyone else.

  73. Read "My Encounter With a Mystic" for expressions and experiences...available on Amazon.

  74. I have done all Isha programs. Those are all self transforming programs. Which brings clarity about ones life. When you are willing to do what guru says, then what is your question here again. When you have many questions you come here to dissolve yourself, the moment Guru starts diagnosis you are running a way, then why you came here for Guru. Better know Guru is not comfort zone. He just clears all your falsehood. Including whole structure of your thoughts too.

  75. Hi, Swami Aniruddha

    Can you please share samyama process /steps done daily.. from day 1 to day 8; like in more detail please.. please..

  76. I'm interested in knowing more abt samyama process. Can u send me?

  77. Hi, Swami Aniruddha,

    Is the Samyama process same as the one given by Osho
